Welcome to Mel's 2021
Mel’s 2021 is an independent source created to educate all people of color on issues that impact physical, social, and emotional well-being. Mel’s 2021 will offer tips on self-care and emotional well-being through interviews featuring experts in the field. It will place a spotlight on certain health conditions and interview those who have made meaningful strides in improving their health condition or improving their social and emotional well-being through self-care initiatives. It is my hope that you will be inspired, informed, and empowered by my words as you travel along your own personal health and wellness journey.
A Mels2021 Quick Chat With Guest: Gha'il Rhodes Benjamin
Welcome to the first installment of Mels2021's Quick Chat Sessions for the new year, highlighting everyday individuals who have taken inspiring strides toward accomplishing their health goals. Joining us today is a new Mels2021 special guest: Gha'il Rhodes Benjamin, a Grammy award-winning spoken-word artist, award-winning actress, self-empowerment speaker, and educator, among many other talents.
Gha'il kicks off our year-long focus on self-care and enlightens us on how to practice it and its importance in all our lives. Join us for a vibrant conversation and be prepared to learn some new tips and strategies!